How to Be an Independent Woman
Your independence will be directly tied to money.
And here's a fact: We all waste more money that we know! We waste it because we're not thinking, or because we're being tricked.

Unwrap This Scam
Admit it. You're more likely to wear, buy, and pay more attention to name brand products. We all do. Like most people, you're also more likely to open…

SelfCare When Dealing with Stressful Finances
Financial stresses not only affect your well being, they can negatively affect relationships, job performance and pretty much rule your life if you le…

My Past Money Mistakes and My Future Hopes
Hi, I'm Rachel. I spent a lot of my youth struggling to survive, and making a lot of bad choices along the way. Even to this day I'm not personally in…

5 Steps I Took to Increase My Salary by $20,000 in Two Years
For most people, earning a livable income is essential for living a financially balanced life. Unfortunately, in today's economic landscape most recen…

Be Aware of These Scams Targeting Women
I encountered my first online scam as an undergrad. I was looking for a roommate and received an inquiry via a popular online forum that seemed legiti…

Worried About Your Budget Right Now? Be Proactive!
If you don't, you’re probably setting yourself up for financial ruin. Check this out...

Needs Vs. Wants: Getting Down and Dirty with That Budget
There's broke, and then there's "digging through your couch cushions for change to buy groceries" broke. I've been both more than once in my life, and…

New Privacy Tips for Facebook and WhatsApp
Facebook Updates Its "Access Your Information" Feature
Facebook has updated its "Access Your Information" tool that allows users to see their persona…

Inmates, Loved Ones, and Unlimited Minutes
Collect calls are expensive. But, when your device vibrates or chirps and it's from a dear friend or family member who's in jail or prison, declining …

Tika's Lottery Scam
This horrible incident happened in February of 2009 in Fargo, ND. I was brand new to the United States and was not too good in speaking English. Sound…

Self Care Without Breaking the Bank
This is a crazy time in the world! Our general daily circumstances are fraught with an unseen danger, our health is of utmost importance, and for most…

What You Need to Know About Mortgage Forbearance
What is mortgage forbearance? It is typically the suspension or a reduction in your mortgage payment for a specific period of time.
This is not forgi…

Can Your Credit Card Limit Be Lowered?
Credit card issuers periodically review accounts to determine if a customer's credit worthiness has changed. That review can result in a decrease or i…

Robocalls - Do You Feel (Un)Lucky?
It was pure luck. He called. You answered. At the time, you didn't realize it was bad luck ringing your line.
It sounded like the perfect offer. No m…

Medical Testing: Free or Fraudulent?
Did you hear about the free medical testing down at Creekville Mall?
No. What're you talkin' about?
My doctor's office calle…

Start Your Own Business – Profits Guaranteed!
Envelope stuffing, simple product assembly, and medical billing services are always in demand.
Don't believe me?

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Predators
This is not a great time to be gullible. People are out to take your money, win your vote, capitalize on your outrage and burnout, and get everyone go…

Work Disruption Can Lead to Bills Piling Up
It's the end of the month, and money's tight. How to cut down on your costs? We've got a few suggestions...

What Makes a Source Trustworthy?
Fake News. Newsfeed bubbles. Partisanship. We hear a lot about bias these days, from just about every direction! Isn't it unavoidable? Bias just means…

How Much Do You Spend on Subscriptions in a Year?
Subscriptions come in many forms. Magazines, newspapers, websites, apps, newsletters, services, and much more are available by subscription, though it…
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